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Custom Statuses

Custom Contact Statuses are a way to improve your experience with Recruiter and Retention processes based on your specific needs to better reflect your goals.

What you can do with Custom Contact Statuses 

You can create and manage Custom Contact Statuses, by adding, renaming and ordering them

All Custom Contact Statuses will be reflected through all Brokerkit features, so you can be sure you can track everything in an easy and effective way. It also helps you gain more control over your pipeline. Make as many custom contact statuses as you need, they are  unlimited.

Getting started with Custom Contact Statuses

To get started, simply navigate to the Account Settings page and start customizing your contact statuses. You can still use default statuses when creating your own. 

You can customize your contact statuses for Recruiting and Retention by clicking the “Add Status” button:

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Also you can edit default Statuses, so you can have a full customization experience. It is easy to identify custom from default statuses, they are marked with different icons and with a green star. 

To gain more control over Custom Statuses, you can arrange them according to your needs. Note that "Lead" default status will be always at the top:

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Default statuses can’t be deleted but renamed, so you can have better control over the names:

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Deleting a custom status is as simple as creating them, simply click on “Delete” icon and confirm you want to delete it:

Screen Recording 2024-03-29 at PM