One of the more powerful and effortless features of Brokerkit is the social media lookup feature.
Brokerkit will automatically search for social media profiles that match your contact's email or cell phone number when you first add the contact or—if they were imported—click the Lookup Social Profiles button.
If the email or cell phone number on the contact doesn't match the social databases or if a different number or email was used, no match will be shown. If a shared email or phone number is used on the contact, it may match the wrong person, but you can just remove them.
How to add a social link for a contact
Social media lookup works for both Recruiting and Retention. Click on any contact profile and scroll down. At the bottom right-hand side, you will find the "Social and Web" section, where you can "Lookup Social Profiles" to find results based on the user's email or directly add the information.
How to add additional social links for a contact
If you want to add more social and web information, open the contacts's profile and click on the "Links" button > Select "Link Type" > Type the information and save
How to edit social media information
There may be several reasons why social media information does not match when using media lookup, but you can always update it by clicking on the "Edit" button.