How to integrate with Wizehire via Zapier

Below are the procedures on how to integrate Wizehire with Brokerkit via Zapier:

👉 Tip: First, go here to get a 10% referral discount on Wizehire:

1. Create a Zap in Zapier:

Log in to your Zapier account. Once logged in, click on the Create Zap button located at the top left corner of the dashboard. 

In the Trigger section, you'll see an option to Choose App & Event. In the search bar, type "WizeHire" and select it from the dropdown menu.

Step 1-2

2. Choose WizeHire as the Trigger App:

Under Trigger Event, choose the appropriate event that will start your Zap.

Click Continue.

Step 2.1

Step 2.2

3. Connect WizeHire to Zapier:

Click Sign in to WizeHire. 

Step 3

4. A window will open to enter your WizeHire API Key. Step 4

5. Your Wizehire API Key for Zapier can be found on your Wizehire dashboard by clicking your Name on the upper right side ->Settings > Integrations. Copy the API Key and paste it on the Zapier pop-up window in Step 4.step 5

6. Click Yes, Continue to connect your WizeHire account to Zapier. Once the Wizehire API Key is added, a green check should confirm that the account has been successfully connected.

step 6

7. Pull in a Sample and click Continue with selected record. Click Test Trigger to ensure Zapier is able to pull in a sample record from your WizeHire account. If successful, you will see sample data appear on your screen. step 7

8. Add Step 2 to your Zap.

Click on Add a Step (usually a plus icon "+" below your trigger step).
step 8

9. Select Formatter by Zapier.

In the search bar, type "Formatter by Zapier" and select it.

step 9-1

10. Select Numbers for Action Event and click Continue. Step 10

11. Under Transform, select Format Phone Number.step 11

12. In the Values field, select the Phone number field that Zapier pulled from the WizeHire sample.

step 12

13. Under To Format field,  choose the desired phone number format. Click Continue. step 13

14. Select Test Step. A Green check should confirm it has successfully processed 2nd Step. Click Continue.

step 14

15. Choose 3rd Step:

Add a third step to your Zap for Webhooks by Zapier.

Click Add a Step (the plus icon "+").

In the search bar, type "Webhooks by Zapier" and select it.

step 15.1step 15.2

16. Choose Action Event as POST and select Continue.step 16

17. Type in the URL and select Payload Type for Brokerkit, as shown below.

  • URL:
  • Payload Type: Json (select from dropdown)

step 17

18. Match the fields below with the parameters on the left exactly as shown below. (Please copy and paste and or select as applicable):

Brokerkit Fields Wizehire Inputs
first_name select First name on the drop-down
last_name select Last name on the drop-down
source type in Wizehire
office_address select Job location on the drop-down

Type in:

job title: + select Job title on the dropdown


resume URL: + select Resume URL on the drop-down

assessment URL: + select Assessment URL on the drop-down

phone select Step 2 Phone on the drop-down
email select Email on the drop-down
resume_url select Resume PDF Url on the drop-down
document_urls select Documents Urls on the drop-down

step 18

19. Please select/type in fields under Wrap Request In ArrayUnflatten, and Headers. (You may copy and paste values from the table below). When pasting in the Brokerkit API, remove the double-quotes. Select Continue.

Wrap Request In Array select no from the drop-down
Unflatten select yes from the drop-down
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Token token="Paste Brokerkit API here with no spaces"

step 19

20. To find your Brokerkit API key, visit the Team Settings section of your
Brokerkit account, then under Team Api Key click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy your Brokerkit API Key for your Team.step 20-1
21. With all the fields specified above completely filled out, test your integration by clicking Test Step, as shown below.

step 21

22. A green checkmark will indicate the test was successful and would enable you to Publish your newly created Zap.

If the test is successful, click Turn on Zap to activate both the integration and email notifications. You will receive a confirmation that your Zap is live.

Verify Email Notifications: Ensure that every time a new lead from WizeHire is added to Brokerkit, you receive an email notification. This will help you stay on top of new leads without having to constantly check your Brokerkit dashboard.

step 22-1step 22.1-1

23. Verify the Integration in Brokerkit:

Log in to your Brokerkit account. Navigate to your dashboard to check if the leads from WizeHire are appearing correctly.

Open advanced search, select WizeHire as the Source and click Search.

The leads should appear in Search Results.

If everything is set up properly, new leads from WizeHire will automatically be added to Brokerkit.

You are then all set!step 23-1