Activity Report

Brokerkit has a user Activity Dashboard enabling you to look up activity numbers for you and your team.


Activity = Results!

With the Activity Report in Brokerkit, you can set activity goals for yourself or your team around key recruiting metrics and then track progress against them in the Activity Report. Driving that activity will drive results for your team, and help to verify results and activity for individuals you are hiring.

Activity Metrics

This report will show you the following details of the admin and staff users in your team:

Name The name of the user in the system
Account Name The name of the account if it is linked in an organization. The accounts can be named by team, office, or region to segment the data accordingly.
Logins The number of times the user logged into the system during the filtered timeframe.
Last Login The date on which the user last logged into the system.
Recruiting Leads Assigned The number of leads assigned to the user in Recruiting.
Completed Tasks The number of tasks completed by the user during the filtered timeframe.
Emails Sent The number of emails sent by the user during the filtered timeframe.
Calls Logged The number of calls logged in the system by the user during the filtered timeframe.
Text Messages Sent The number of text messages sent in the system by the user during the filtered timeframe.
Contact Made The number of leads in recruiting assigned to the user where the status is Contact Made.
Appointments Set The number of appointments set by the user for recruiting leads assigned during the filtered timeframe.
Appointments Logged The number of appointments logged by the user for recruiting leads assigned during the filtered timeframe.
New Hires The number of recruiting leads assigned to the user during the timeframe where the status was changed to Signed to move them to Retention and then set to Active after onboarding.

Timeframe Filters

One can filter these details by the following time-based filters:

  1. This Week
  2. Last Week
  3. This Month (default)
  4. Last Month
  5. This Year
  6. Prior Year

📝 Note: The 'No Owner' row will only show the details for 'Number of Agents Joined' and 'Number of Follow-ups' for leads/agents who are not assigned to any admin/staff user.