Creating and Applying Smart Campaigns

Brokerkit's Smart Campaign tool is one of the most powerful features in the system. Used properly, emailing and texting thousands of leads on a schedule with minimal effort from you can drastically improve your recruiting numbers.

Here's what makes Brokerkit's campaigns so smart:

  • Smart Campaigns are sent randomly between 9 am and noon in your time zone on the day they are scheduled. This makes the message appear more natural and prevents a sales meeting full of agents from getting the exact same text at the exact same time. If a Smart Campaign is applied to a lead before noon in your timezone, it will go out the same day. If it's applied after noon, it will send the following day.
  • Messages can dynamically insert the lead's name and company, are blind copied, and always come from your email address, meaning the lead has no idea they were part of a scheduled mass campaign.
  • If you add additional steps or reorder steps in a Smart Campaign, Brokerkit will never send the same step twice - even if you remove the campaign from a lead and add it back later. The only exception is if a campaign has been completed, in which case you’ll need to re-subscribe a lead to send any remaining new steps.
  • Tasks can be assigned as steps in campaigns, which is a useful way for you and your team to delegate certain responsibilities for regularly occurring activities. 
  • With Campaigns 2.0, you can select exactly when email/text/task will be sent

Now let's create your first Smart Campaign:

From Brokerkit, click the Campaigns link on the left side of the screen.


From this screen, select the Compose Campaign option.

Don’t see Smart Campaigns? While campaigns are shared across the account and can be applied and edited by any Staff and Admins, Agents and Affiliates are unable to apply or edit campaigns. Talk to your Admin about updating your role in Manage Team as detailed here.


From this screen, we can see all the campaigns built for your brokerage and can Pause all current subscribers to a campaign, Edit an existing campaign, or Delete them entirely. For now, click Create from scratch.dgfhfg.png

Name your campaign something you and your staff will easily recognize - leads will never see this. We can Create from Scratch or choose an existing campaign to duplicate/clone and edit, so you aren't constantly reinventing the wheel. If you choose the Task option, you can add a task as a step at any point in the campaign. You can also name the task and assign it to other users in your office.

Existing campaign progress:

  1. Contacts who have finished the campaign:
    • Won't receive any new email steps you add
  2. Contacts still active in the ongoing campaign:
    • Will receive any new email steps you add


Next, select Email or Text and use the From drop-down menu to select which Admin or Staff member the message will be sent from. Fill in a Subject that's bound to grab the lead's attention and all your content in the Body. In all steps, use Variables to dynamically insert names, and avoid typing anything that's specific to a single lead.

Note: We suggest clicking Save Campaign in-between steps to be sure you never lose any of your work.

Once you're happy with your first step, select Email or Text under Add Another Step.


In the second step, you’ll also choose a duration to wait before sending the next text or email. Note that this time duration is the time in between steps - not from the start of the campaign. You can create these campaigns to make digital content similar to a mailer, and you can make this as simple or complex as you would like.

Once you're all finished, click Save Campaign.

Note: Staff or Admins will need to set up their Brokerkit system number before they appear as an option in the From menu. To set up your system number, click your name in the upper right-hand corner and select Phone Number. Enter your local area code, and select an available number that Brokerkit can use to text on your behalf. Then, enter the cell phone you'd like any calls and replies forwarded to.


Now that you've built a Smart Campaign, we'll need to assign it to get your message out there. We can assign campaigns to individual leads or in bulk.

From the Recruiting or Retention screen, select an agent to open their profile. To the right of Recent Activity, select the Smart Campaign you'd like to assign to a lead. Next, Select a Start Date for your campaign and click Schedule to save.


Or we can apply a Smart Campaign in bulk. Keep in mind that spamming your audience is never effective, and specific, targeted touches are always more effective than a scattershot approach.

If you started a campaign and then later edit an email or phone number in a step. It will continue to run as scheduled. 

From the Recruiting or Retention screen, use the Advanced Search Options to narrow your target audience as detailed here.

Next, individually check or Select All the agents you'd like to reach, and Brokerkit will display a list of your bulk action options. From here, you can choose to Select All Records on the Page OR All Records in the List. Then, click Smart Campaigns and select Add to Campaign.


Select the campaign you want to apply and, just like with an individual lead, Select a Start Date.


And that's it - you just expanded your reach to thousands, automated your follow-up, and freed up precious time for high-impact recruiting activities. Smart Campaigns can be as simple or as complex as you want to make them, but no matter how you use them, they should become an invaluable tool in your arsenal. 

If an agent already has an active campaign, you won't be able to add them to the same campaign again. This is to avoid sending duplicate emails or text messages to the same person. It is recommended to organize your leads by labels to track which campaign or campaigns are being used for each label. Keep in mind that an agent can have more than one label.


Note: If you want to build a Campaign 2.0, follow previous steps and keep this checkbox marked:

When composing a Campaign 2.0, you can select when the specific day and time when the email/text/task will be sent:

Note: Using Campaigns 2.0 is more effective as it lets you really tailor how you want your campaigns to go out.